Muti-Muscle Movement Seminar

The 4 main movements

  • Explain each lift individually

    • Squat

    • Bench

    • Deadlift

    • Overhead press

  • Walk through the muscle groups utilized in each

  • Form for each body type

  • Misconceptions and best practices

  • Benefits of each movement

  • How these movements can be utilized in every sport

The Human body

  • How/why we grow and change.

  • Stress vs. Pain


  • Picking apart the movements with your client

    • Watch and listen

    • What questions to ask

  • What is bracing and how does it apply

    • How to communicate it to your athlete

  • How to see injury precursors and communicate them effectively

  • The cruel reality of training/competition

Hands on work with athletes and coaches

  • Work through each one of the movements individually with coaches or athletes

  • Learn to utilize cues while lifter is working through the sets

  • How to spot issues before they start

  • Warm ups/Cool downs


Mobility Training Seminar