Mobility Training Seminar


  • Define mobility.

  • Explain power generation and utilization in the body.

  • Explain the loss of power and performance due to poor mobility.

  • Where the majority of power/performance is lost.

  • How mobility plays a factor in longevity, repair/prevention of injuries.


  • How stretching works.

  • Why we stretch out.

  • What the act of stretching does for the body.

  • When the best time to stretch is.

  • How to prepare your body for what you are about to ask it to do.

    • How to stretch properly.

The Human body- One giant defence mechanism

  • How/why we grow and change.

How to see the need

  • Picking apart movements.

    • Watch and listen

    • What questions to ask.

  • How to see injury precursors.

  • Stress vs. Pain

  • The cruel reality of training/competition

Hands on work with individual athlete and coach

  • Examples of 15 stretches for more efficient bodies.

Guided hands on work with athletes and parents/guardian

  • Guide individuals through actually performing the 15 stretches.

  • Helpful tips for what should and shouldn't be happening during the stretching.

  • How to cue your athlete during warmups/stretching.


Muti-Muscle Movement Seminar


PR6 & Neuroscience Fundamentals