
Earn results. Enjoy the process.

We help individuals and teams who are ready for a change. This means changing the processes that have led them to where they are now. Creating new pathways and habits is not easy, that is why we have broken this journey down into these specific areas.

PR6 exam will help you pinpoint your resilience score showing you where you land within the six domains. Vision, Composure, Reasonsing, Health, Tenacity and Collaboration.

Mindset training focuses on creating positive talk tracks that enable you to show up as the best version of yourself and helps you undo the subconscious sabotage in our heads.

Physical training programs that push individuals past their previous understanding of physical possibilities, taking control of your body.

Sales training programs that enhance you or your team’s abilities by understanding their talents and learning how to utilize them.

Recovery guidance that demonstrates the benefits of self care and recovery.

The process

Christopher Ewing, | C.P.T. | H.M.S. | CReC |

First off, I want to say thank you for visiting our website!

We built this website to help others understand the things it took us years to learn. I have always looked for a roadmap, something that helped me understand where I was headed. I was under the impression that the more advanced I became in my career that there would be a point where I could see or at least find that map to success. Unfortunately, that day never came, regardless of the title I acquired or the company I worked for. I did however, learn that my life is up to me. It is up to me to build the success I wanted and to create that road map myself.

This is why The Atlas Process exists. I want these stories, workbooks and programs to inspire you. I want you to learn what took me years to understand. You are the best asset you could ever have and developing that asset in every way possible will give compounded ROI for the rest of your life.

We have programs to enhance your physical performance, mental well being, journaling prompts and accountability programs. I want to give you what I didn’t have, a unemotional third party to bounce ideas off of and help you work through life’s questions. I want to push you past what you think is possible, just because you haven’t seen it yet doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

You are the only one that can take care of you, no one else can do it for you.

Why start with the PR6?

We live in a fast-paced, ever-changing world with constant attention-grabbing apps, videos, and distractions. Our attention span has been reduced to 10-second segments. This has been nothing short of phenomenal for the marketing and sales industry. Everything is attainable and sellable to anyone at any time, all via a small blue light screen. This has, however, changed the landscape for mental health in a not so positive way. We are now presented with myriad of mental health issues, each of which is developing at a staggering rate. With endless options to get “unstuck” or “reach inner peace” most people just feel even more confused than ever on how to combat it. With so much going on and people not knowing where to turn, it is easy for individuals to see work as a means to rationalize the chaos. Employment at a minimum, gives individuals a direction and purpose. They utilize the “escape” from their world and focus on working harder and harder. This turns into a vicious cycle of guilt exchange from work to home and vise versa. Employers are not prepared to take on this responsibility and employees will continue to search for an answer. Employers will continue to push for more from their employees; and employees will, if not prepared, face burnout, depression or worse on escalating levels each year. This mental crisis means more days off, decreased productivity while in the office, and poor work quality. Not to mention, their home life suffers as well.

So what is the answer to this problem? We believe wholeheartedly that it is resilience training - learning to advance despite adversity.

We have developed a way to pinpoint your employees’ current mental resilience score and map it on a chart using six (6) different domains: Vision, Composure, Reasoning, Health, Tenacity and Collaboration. Individuals are trained and guided to develop and to continuously improve their domain scores. This is a lifetime development skill set we are teaching, not a one-and-done class. Research has found that with a score of 85% or higher, we significantly decrease the likelihood of mental health issues. All of this is trackable and repeatable, because if it is not, it is not training. The rest of this guide is going to cover the test we utilize for tracking each employee (the PR6 assessment) as well as show you how we program for progress, both individually and collectively.

The more knowledge we have of ourselves and why we do what we do the better decisions we can make. I believe the best starting point is with the PR6 exam. We are only in control of ourselves, this exam helps you better understand how to take control and where to focus time on development.

What all does T.A.P. offer?

A roadmap for your physical training and mental well being. Whether or not you take the PR6 exam you can jump into any of the programs or workbooks offered in our store.

Physical Development:

THE MOUNTAIN METHOD- build functional muscle mass and acquire overall body composition change during this 8 week course.

THE BIG THREE- developing your squat, bench and deadlift through specific guided methods.

POSTERIOR CHAIN DEVELOPMENT- focusing on the glutes, hamstrings, lower and upper back. This focuses on building the structure that supports all our movement.

Mental Development:

JOURNAL PROMPTS- helping you start journaling with thought provoking prompts allowing you to streamline your thought process.

MINDSET 101- a guide to help you understand the mind and how it operates.

MINDSET JOURNEY- a journey through your minds jungle and how to start to unravel it.


WEEKLY 1:1 SESSIONS- with TAP CEO Christopher Ewing, helping you stay on track with your goals both physically and mentally.

WEEKLY NEWSLETTER- a free newsletter with inspirational real life stories of resilience and overcoming struggles.

Team Development:

SALES COACHING- either 1:1 or group training sessions breaking down current sales processes and implementing streamlined relationship focused sales processes. Exchanging the old salesman to buyer hard sale format for the doctor/patient trustworthy relationship format.

PR6 TEAM TRAINING- group testing and evaluation shows the entire team where the company lands as a collective. This shows hiring managers and HR where the needs of the company are and how to hire efficiently. This also shows the current staff where the breakdown in communication and collaboration is, allowing individuals to take personal responsibility in solving company issues.

How to get started on your journey.

Feel free to reach out to us via email or phone call. We look forward to talking to you!

Group session pricing and scheduling will be done on a case by case basis, we are not able to give bulk standard pricing due to the amount of data we need to collect and work through. TAP requires a four (4) week notice before any group training or seminars utilizing the PR6 exam. We will distribute the exam via email to all individuals participating and will follow up a week out and the day of the seminar to maximize group participation.

We are dedicated to helping you reach your goals both personally and professionally. Seminars, training and mindset models are in our RESOURCES section.

All data behind the PR6 exam, resilience training, the resilience app and so on is in the DATA section of this website. Please feel free to contact with any questions about this information.

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable”

- Socrates

“Chris was amazing to work with, he understands load management and the body so well. He made my time preparing for the NBA much better by helping me with my performance instead of loading as much weight as he could on me. 

Extremely smart, and customizes work with people on a case by case basis. 

I would highly recommend Chris to anyone interested in getting in shape, or training for peak performance in a sport.

Great guy as well, makes a fun environment for pushing yourself.

Thank you Chris!! “ - Matthew Mayer

Followed, liked, and rated the Podcast 5 stars. It was a fantastic listen. Great food for thought for my own self-reflection, planning and goal execution! - Mr. Fawkes